Bridger Cohan - Riparian and Meadow Restoration Specialist

Raised in the Pacific Northwest, and with experience as a field botanist, restoration crew leader, and wetlands manager, Bridger joined the Watershed Center in 2023. As part of the Watershed Stewardship Program, he designs, manages, and implements projects that restore and enhance local waterways, wetlands, and meadows. He also leads the Watershed Center’s meadow inventory efforts, and assists with GIS data management, salmon survey dives, and everything in between.

Bridger received his M.S. in Biology from Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA, where he researched water quality responses to shifts in agricultural practices. Previously, he obtained a degree in Ecology and Organismal Biology with a minor in Wilderness Studies from the University of Montana in Missoula, MT, where he also developed a serious fishing habit.

When not on the river for work or fun, Bridger enjoys backpacking, photography, and attempting to garden in the challenging Weaverville climate.

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